Thursday, November 11, 2010

Keep trying - but do I care enough?

Lost balls 3
Pars 0
9 holes = 63

Ouch - one hole up for a par.

Had a couple of lovely shots over water though - 
I only remember the good ones :-)

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Monday, November 8, 2010

OK - start thinking a little

Lost balls 4
Pars 0
8 holes = 68

Ouch - some painful holes as I was up for a par twice!!!!!!
Gave up on hole 9 - 2 in the water

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Monday, November 1, 2010

I really shouldn't give up

Lost balls 4
Pars 0
8 holes = 54

Great fun at the Phuket Country Club....

I remember this shot onto the green though

but it did not really make a 'dent' in my score......

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